5 Tips for Effective Cloud Optimization Strategy

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. The adage is true, especially regarding managing your cloud infrastructure. With the number of cloud services available growing daily, it’s essential to keep a close eye on how much bandwidth, storage, and other features you use be tricky to track if you have several storage solutions.

To maximize your ROI with the cloud, read fortips on effective cloud optimization strategies. To get the most out of anycloud implementation, you must ensure that each new feature and service positively affects your business.

You might think this will take a lot of timeand resources to implement - but with these tips and tricks, it will only take about 20 minutes from start to finish!

What is Cloud Optimization Strategy?

You need to understand what you areoptimizing before you can begin. Why are you optimizing? What is the desired outcome? Before you start optimizing your cloud services, make sure you have a clear strategy in place.

This will help you to identify the areas thatneed improvement and what steps need to be taken to correct them. When you understand the cloud optimization strategy, it will make it much easier to assess the current state of your cloud environment.

It will also help you decide which metricsare most important to track and report. This will make monitoring the positive impact of your optimization efforts much more accessible.

Tip #1: Define Your Business Goals

Before you start optimizing your cloudservices, make sure you know what goals you want to achieve. Without a clear plan, you’ll struggle to see if you are optimizing effectively or not.

You can use this information to track yourprogress towards a specific goal and help you decide which metrics are most important to track and report on. You’ll also need to identify the necessary
strategies to meet those goals.

This can include purchasing additional cloudservices, optimizing service contracts, or upgrading existing solutions.

Tip #2: Calculate Current Cloud Usage

It’s essential to understand your currentcloud usage before you start optimizing. This will make it much easier to track the positive impact of your optimization efforts and identify areas of improvement.

It will also help to identify the necessarysteps to optimize your cloud resources. Before optimizing your cloud services, you’ll want to know which metrics are most important to track and report. This will help you to identify the areas of over-usage and under-usage.

This will help you to find ways to optimizeyour cloud services and get the most out of them.

Tip #3: Develop a Cloud Optimization Strategy

Once you understand your current cloud usage,you can begin to develop a strategy for optimizing your cloud services. You can start by listing all your cloud services and which ones are being used.

This will help you to determine whichservices you can optimize and how. You’ll also want to list other areas that can be optimized.

This can include negotiating better rateswith your cloud providers, changing your network configuration, or purchasing additional bandwidth.

Tip #4: Benchmark to Find Waste and Inefficiencies

Once you’ve developed a strategy foroptimizing your cloud services, you can begin to benchmark your system to find waste and inefficiencies. This can help you to identify the areas of over-usage and under-usage.

It will also help you to understand where anyoptimization efforts will be focused. This can be done regularly to ensure you keep up with optimization efforts. It can also help to identify any issues that
may be developing in your cloud environment.

This can enable you to put a plan in place toaddress any potential issues before they become serious.

Tip #5: Find the Source of Inefficiency

Once you’ve identified the areas ofinefficiency, find the source of inefficiency. This can be done by looking at
the details of each metric. This can help identify the root cause of the inefficiency.

Once you know the source of the inefficiency,you can begin to develop a plan to correct it. You’ll also want to look at the current state of your network.

Is there any bandwidth being wasted? Arethere any bottlenecks in your network? These are two common issues that can cause significant inefficiencies in your cloud environment.


A cloud is a potent tool for managing yourcompany’s infrastructure. It allows you to scale up or down, when necessary, quickly and gives you access to resources you may not have been able to afford otherwise.

However, to get the most out of any cloudimplementation, you must ensure that each new feature and service positively affects your business. You can do this by implementing an effective cloud optimization strategy.